Recaps & comments
Next discussion:  Friday, December 18, 2020 *on-line zoom discussion, log into
meetup for link*
7:30p - 10p

Films to Come: 4 Star Movie Discussion Group
This unique group discusses the world of cinema and entertainment. Classic, current
and upcoming genre and genre-related films, TV, books and media happenings are
discussed. If it deals with entertainment, our dynamic Master of Entertainment
Moderator will cover it. So much more than films to come!
Films to Come
9/18/2020 recap

The usual suspects and several new faces joined a lively and fun discussion of films,
TV, and an array of other topics. There was a lot of laughing - much needed in these
troubling times! There was a lot of conversation of classic movies, current streaming
options and what/where movie theaters have opened. The remote feature of the
meeting allowed our long distance members - hello Mike P - to join in. It was a really
nice to spend Friday night. Looking forward to October's discussion.
Films to Come
10/16/2020 recap

Another full house discussion! Movies, TV, streamin services and more were all
discussed well into the night. The silly, the obscure, the upcoming and more. Fun night.